Why Jesus?
Have you ever wondered people are still talking of Jesus Christ in the 21st century? Why bother? Here are three answers we beg you to consider:

Because only He can save you from eternal judgment.
So you ask: „What is this judgment, that I should fear it?” You say: “Compared to criminals, I am impeccable. I am certainly no worse than a typical person.” The Bible – God’s Word – gives us the answers.
• The judgment will take place after death.
At that moment, God will judge your life with no other standard than His own.
• God is absolutely holy.
That means that he cannot tolerate sin of any measure and must judge it. Nothing in your life passes unseen before God.
• There is a solution.
There is just one way by which we can escape this judgment – through Jesus Christ. He Himself says in the Gospel of John chapter 5 verse 24:
God is patient – the door is still open today!

Because He loves you so much that He died for you.
Around 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ the Son of God became a man. It was His love for me and you that brought him to Earth to pave a way of salvation to God.
This is only possible because He carried the judgment of God that was meant for us.
For your sake, the Son of God accepted this judgment on the cross on Calvary, where He suffered and died. Those who believe in Him are brought into a relationship of peace with God – their sins have been judged once and for all.

Because He wants to give you a new life with real purpose.
Through His Son, God offers you a new and eternal life. To accept this offer, you need to:
• Believe that the Lord Jesus died for you on the cross, and bore the punishment for your sins.
• Pray to God. Sincerely confess to Him your guiltiness. Lay your wrongdoings and sin before Him.
In your new relationship with God, He will bless you with real peace and incomparable joy. The Lord Jesus, as object of your life, will give you a true purpose to live each day. And death becomes no less than the reunion with your Savior in heaven.